This is no longer news, but with a new upsurge in the solar industry, we would like to remind you once again: In order to adapt to the innovation development of science and technology in the field of renewable energy and to ensure the safety, quality and consumer protection of photovoltaic (PV) solar systems in the market, the Indonesian government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has issued a regulation to enforce the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) for Photovoltaic (PV) Modules – Crystalline Silicon through the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources no. 2 of 2021.
According to this regulation, which came into force on 7 January 2021, all photovoltaic modules (PV modules) made of crystalline silicon that are to be marketed in Indonesia must have an SNI certificate.
If you have any questions on these or other points or would like a copy of a standard, please contact us at any time. Our long-standing contacts with all relevant Asian authorities allow us to respond quickly and we are happy to support you in any certification project.
You can find our contact information here.