Pre-shipment inspection, or PSI, is the Chinese customs certification for used machinery. Machines usually do not need certification in China, but only if they have never been used commercially. So as soon as you want to sell a machine you have used before to a Chinese customer, you need the PSI, and you need it before you ship into China.
The PSI consists of an application, on-site inspection of the machine, and issuance of the certificate. The process is simple in itself, but you should still start at least four weeks before you plan to bring the machine onto the web in order to get it done in time.
Whereas in the case of CCC or other Chinese certification, the foreign manufacturer itself is almost always the applicant, in the case of PSI, the buyer of the machine can submit the application together with the seller.
The most important facts about Korean EMC certifications
- Application form
- Product description
- Authorisation to represent
- Privacy policy
- Application documents: 1-8 weeks
- Inspection: 1-2 weeks
- Certificate: 2 weeks
After that you can ship the machine.
- Inspection fees according to the value of the machine (min. 930 €)
- Travel expenses of the inspector
- Administrative costs
What is the Pre-Shipment Inspection for?
The Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) is always required when a used machine is to be sent to China. It is irrelevant whether the machine is sold or the production is relocated. The size or quantity of the machines is also irrelevant; in any case, only one PSI is required per delivery.
This means that entire production lines as well as individual small machines (such as printers) can be certified per PSI. The only criterion is that the machine is used, even if it may have been completely rebuilt.
The amount of the inspection costs depends on the total value of the delivery.
How does the Pre-Shipment Inspection work?
Please note that the company registered in China officially makes the application, but most of the information will come from the seller / consignor. Therefore, accurate coordination between the sender and receiver of the machinery is absolutely critical for correct and efficient completion of the documents.
At the same time as the documents are submitted, the inspection fees have to be paid, as Chinese customs require payment in advance and will not give an appointment beforehand.
Once these first two steps have been completed, the inspection can take place within one to two weeks. An employee of Chinese customs in Germany inspects the machine to be delivered on site at the seller’s premises. The machine can still be in operation, but it can also be already dismantled in a customer’s warehouse, it doesn’t matter. The only important thing is that the machine is freely visible and not packed.
After the inspection, the customs officer needs up to three weeks for the inspection report and the certificate.
Frequent mistakes
There are errors in the application documents
The information in the application documents must match 100% with the labels on the machines and the other customs documents.
Application documents stamped by the seller
The Chinese recipient of the delivery is obliged to sign and stamp the documents.
The local agent is incorrectly selected
The inspection must be accompanied by an employee of the seller on behalf of the Chinese buyer.
The machine is in a poor condition
It is important that the machines are in good condition. Furthermore, the customs officers pay a lot of attention to cleanliness.
The machine is packed
The inspection can only take place when all areas of the machine are visible, especially the label and the safety mechanisms.